Al momento stai visualizzando Project Meeting #2: Progress on the Digitopen Project

Project Meeting #2: Progress on the Digitopen Project

On May 31, 2024, DIGITopen second project meeting was held online, focusing primarily on the development of the open-source toolkit (WP2). Significant progress was made, particularly in the cybersecurity module, initially shared by Base3. Here are the key points discussed and actions agreed upon:

Reflections and Suggestions:

  • Focus on MSMEs: The toolkit must be tailored to address the specific needs of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The introduction of each module should clearly articulate why these tools are essential for MSMEs.
  • Self-Reflection Questions: To enhance user engagement, it was suggested to position self-reflection questions at the beginning of the modules rather than at the end. This will help participants gauge their starting point before diving into the content.
  • Additional Resources: Identifying supplementary resources like videos will be beneficial for integrating into the toolkit and later in the MOOC.

Pilot Action (WP3)

FOAAL presented the WP3 pilot action, detailing the activities, expected results, and indicators. The key points include:

  • MOOC Development: The MOOC will be developed using MOODLE, a free and open-source platform. An example from a previous project was showcased to demonstrate MOODLE’s capabilities.
  • Content Production: Partners suggested including introductory videos, articles, podcasts, and quizzes to make the content engaging and interactive. FOAAL will guide the content harmonization and platform adaptation.

LTTA in Italy:

  • Training for Tutors: A suggestion was made to train two tutors per country during the week of December 16th, following internal availability checks.
  • Feedback Request: All partners were invited to comment on this proposed schedule.

Sharing and Promotion of Results (WP5)

CCIB updated on the current progress:

  • Website Updates: Partners are encouraged to review the translations on the website.
  • Social Media Materials: CCIB shared a Canva link for graphic and information materials.
  • Upcoming Newsletter: A draft of the press release will be shared in September, with one newsletter due by the end of 2024.
  • Dissemination Section: Partners are reminded to regularly update the dissemination section on Admin Project.

Project Management (WP1)

Partners were reminded to upload documentation for the second reporting period, with links to the necessary templates provided in Admin Project.